Social Media Reports Template for Emergency Management

Yous and your squad spent days preparing your latest social media campaign. Preparation was intense, working belatedly, pizza on speed dial. Now what? Show your boss what y'all've achieved. A social media report will bear witness your goals, results, and wins. I'yard going to show you how...

Download my complimentary social media reports!

Download our free, false Talkwalker reporting templates, to see how great your reports can look!

Social media channels are an essential part of digital marketing strategies. Measuring your social media performance and proving the results of those campaigns in a social media report can exist painful. Information technology tin can be confusing to figure out which numbers matter, and which don't. What y'all should exist presenting to your team, your clients, and your boss.

This guide volition explicate why doing social media reports is crucial. For your squad, boss, business, and for your future social media campaigns. Follow my seven steps to creating your social media reports. What y'all should include, metrics to track, choosing a reporting tool, and how to present. I've suggested which reports to nowadays, but information technology depends on your business organization goals and what yous desire to demonstrate.

Here's an instance social media report template - you tin can download all three simulated Talkwalker social media reporting templates now!.

Social media report template - showing Market impact for Coca-Cola

Talkwalker Analytics - market impact demonstrating share of phonation, volume by competitor, cyberspace sentiment (imitation social media report template).

Social media reporting

"What's the ROI of your recent social media campaign?"

"Incredible… nosotros got 1500 more Twitter followers, 45 retweets. On Facebook, it was shared 27 times… "

Nice, simply not insightful. How did it help your bottom line?

It can be hard to translate social media metrics into something understood across the board. Non everyone has your insights into the many marketing channels you lot use. You need to be able to explain all that your team is doing and the results it's achieving, to justify your upkeep. A visual, comprehensive social media report - social media inspect - will explain all.

The cloak-and-dagger of successful social media reporting lies in comparison. Compare how your channels performed earlier vs how they perform now. And, how your social marketing campaigns are positioned against your competitors.

Table of contents

  • The best social media tips
  • What's a social media report
  • Why do I need a social media report?
  • 7 steps to creating social media reports
  • Social media reports
  • Choosing a social media reporting tool
  • Free social media report template

The all-time social media tips

Don't e'er, ever assume that senior direction understands social media, or what your task involves. It'due south up to you to educate them. To prove your team's value. To prove your value.

Download my 23 social media tips

Is social media a chore? Tasked to the intern? Your boss about to pull the plug unless you prove an ROI? If you ignore social media, you lot're ignoring a key role of your marketing strategy. Cheque out my 23 social media tips, with all the details on how to create a winning social media strategy. Includes...

  • Employ a savvy social media director
  • Deliver consistently
  • Don't buy followers
  • Humanize your make
  • And 19 more

What's a social media report?

Beginning up... the definition of a social media report - smart, elementary, easy-to-understand - using information - stats and metrics - to prove the value of your social media strategy. Done well, the all-time social media report will steer you in the right management for future social media campaigns. You'll also learn what isn't resonating with your followers, and be able to break or terminate campaigns.

You lot'll need to explain what you're doing and why you're doing information technology. Your targets and the results you've achieved. You'll have to justify your upkeep.

  • Mensurate the ROI of social media campaigns so you can prove their value and targets met
  • Show your clients how their social accounts are evolving
  • Place successes and failures, so you tin tweak to improve, repeat, or delete
  • Save time with automated social media reports - using videos, images, and comments to make them easier to understand and remember

Why do I need a social media report?

Tracking your social media strategies and endemic accounts will assist you notice what's working and what isn't. You can share your strategy across your organisation and help show that your team'south efforts are effective. Targets are being accomplished.

Comparing your social media channels will identify which channels are favored by your audition. Which are bringing the near success, with minimal effort. Identifying what content is working and bringing high engagement means you can replicate your successes, and improve any failures.

Check out your competitors, and yous'll exist able to compare marketplace impact and run into whether you're missing out on opportunities to expand your online community. Seeing the bigger picture allows you to prove that your business organisation decisions are effective. Decisions like, prioritizing resources based on the channel bringing the highest ROI.

Simulated social media report template - market impact of social channels

Talkwalker Analytics - market place impact demonstrating strategy beyond networks, compared with competing brands (simulated social media report template).

Compare my brand with my competitors!

Download our gratis, simulated social media report templates to practice competitor analysis.

7 steps to creating social media reports

Creating an automated report is all in the preparation - who, what, why, how...

one Identify stakeholders

  • Stakeholders receiving your reports - senior direction, sales & marketing team leaders, customer support, demand gen
  • Recipients of social media metrics in your organization

Dissimilar teams have different requirements - community management, sales, PR, etc. Senior management won't always have the fourth dimension or inclination to read a heap of pages. Keep information technology curt and simple.

2 Set your goals

What are yous hoping to accomplish from your social media reports? What are y'all trying to evidence, to justify? Social media reporting can be broken downward into three categories...

  • Regular reports - using key metrics to demonstrate progress on social media - your brand alone, or include competitors and manufacture
  • One-off written report - following a campaign, upshot, product launch - metrics and qualitative assay to gauge success
  • Research reports - using social listening to find insights around a particular topic or trend

three SMART questions

SMART - specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timed.

SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timed.

Regardless of which report you're writing, first thing you should do is place the questions you lot want to reply. Every bit with your goals, ensure your questions are SMART...

  • Specific - real numbers with real deadlines
  • Measurable - how you'll track and clarify results
  • Achievable - ask questions that are challenging, just possible
  • Relevant - check y'all take the necessary resource
  • Timely - set a timeline, and stick to it

A written report following a specific marketing entrada might ask - how much engagement was driven in your target group?

A research written report might enquire - what do men want in their 40s from a habiliment brand?

This is where tools volition aid. Check out my Marketplace Inquiry Tools & Guide for more details.

four Which metrics to rails

Just because y'all can study on something, doesn't mean y'all should.

The more you lot include, the greater your reporting task will be. What you choose to measure volition depend on your needs and which social networks you lot use - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. Attempt to avoid custom metrics that'll demand y'all to calculate every time, unless vital.

Measure out metrics that you'll learn from, and that will inform your conclusion making...

  • Leads - visitors that have the potential to get customers. Leads coming from social can be direct tied to acquirement. Target consumers with gated content, contests, events, demo sign-ups, newsletter subscriptions, etc., to increase registrations. Regular content that resonates with consumers will drive sign-ups.
    Trackable links (UTM code) - to rails the leads you're generating, and those that convert
  • Conversions - when a pb becomes a paying customer, acting on a phone call to action - opening an email, registering for a download, subscribing to a newsletter, scans a QR code, etc.
    Jay Baer, "nosotros're after action, non eyeballs." Paying customers - that's what it's all about.
  • Attain & impressions - the number of people that come across your posts. Information technology's a metric that demonstrates the value of your content beyond the total number of likes.
    Achieve = total number of people who come across your content
    Impressions = number of times your content is displayed, clicked or not
  • Volume - track conversion size and number of make mentions
  • Engagement - this is virtually the relevancy of your content. Analyze the quantity and type of engagement your social media channels and content receives. Include clicks, comments, and shares. Recognize which channels are performing well for your brand. Highlight posts doing improve than normal. Place hurting points, and so you can action for improvement.
  • Audience - identify who participates in conversations, the most agile users, influencers. Demographics - show your clients that you're attracting the right followers. Present a breakdown of audience - location, gender, language, interests, occupation, age.
  • Content - track your top performing posts, and those that have tanked. Include the number of posts published monthly, to prove the activity of your team.
  • Click-thru with bounce charge per unit - track bounce rate of website visitors coming from social, and compare to website visitors who visited your site directly, arrived from a search engine, or came via any paid advertizement entrada. If your social media bounciness rate is lower than those other sources, you tin can show your boss that you're targeting the right people on social, and the traffic you're bringing is more than valuable to the business.

    Bounce rate = % of page visitors who leave your site later on only viewing i page. In social media it would be someone clicking on a link in TW/FB, landing on your site/web log mail service, leaving without looking at any other content.

    Tool = Google Analytics - acquisition tab - all traffic - channels - bounce rate.

Google Analytics screenshot of dashboard, showing bounce rate, page views, sessions, new users.

Google Analytics - turning insights into action.

  • Share of vocalisation (SOV) - competitor assay. Mentions prove how much consumers are talking about you on social. Detect out how your SOV compares with that of your competitors.
  • Lessons learned - share social media insights yous've learned with other teams in your organization. For instance: product feedback, technical issues, praise.
  • Executive summary - include a summary of your tiptop achievements during the calendar month. Go along it short - up to 5 bullet points.

You lot're going to be tracking a heap of social media data. When information technology comes to reporting results, you need to exist shrewd near what you share. Not because you're hiding things. But because non everything you lot're monitoring is going to be relevant to your boss.

Exist consequent - report the same metrics in the aforementioned mode, each fourth dimension. Include percentage changes and benchmarks to make information technology easier for your audience to empathize the results.

5 Choosing the all-time social media reporting tools

Clarify your priorities and goals earlier you start looking for the best tool. Ask questions...

  • Where does the tool source its social data?
  • What'due south the quality of data?
  • What human relationship does it take with the social networks?
  • Can it track owned, earned, and paid social?
  • Does it include insights from the networks that you're looking to to report on?
  • What type of customer support or account management does it provide?
  • What features are on its roadmap?
  • Does it offer multiple languages?

Social media channels are evolving. You need a tool that will keep upward with these changes.

There are skilful costless tools out at that place, merely they won't provide you with all the statistics you need. A single tool would be best, rather than multiple, or a different i for each channel. You'll save time, money, and stress.

six Cull optimal reporting timeframes

Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, campaign related. It makes sense to written report some metrics more oftentimes than others. What's your boss asking for?

If you lot're creating a entrada related report, yous demand to gear up benchmarks earlier you commencement. You'll and then be able to track improvements.

You can do a monthly report on published content. Include the number of sessions, page views, new users, goal completions, bounce rate, leads, downloads. If you're targeting keywords, y'all could include page rankings for before and later on the content was published. With this information, you lot'll run into spikes and patterns, to amend sympathise what's working with your audition. For example, seasonal patterns during holidays, Christmas, Black Friday, etc.

vii Presenting your social media marketing report

Use graphs, charts, virality maps, Conversation Clusters, word clouds, social posts - whatever information technology takes to give your reports clarity. To make them visually highly-seasoned and easier on the eye. Human brains understand information visualizations and are more likely to retain the data they're illustrating. Include a short clarification of what they're seeing, along with takeaways and analysis highlights.

Selection of graphics for social media report - word clouds, emoji cloud, social media post.

Talkwalker Analytics - use a mix of visuals to support and explain your results in your social media report.

Conversations around sustainability encompass various topics such as the impact of electric vehicles, the concerns around cryptocurrencies, and the importance of plastic waste management.

Conversation Clusters illustrating conversations around sustainability, encompassing topics that include impact of electric vehicles, concerns around cryptocurrencies, and the importance of plastic waste matter management.

Remember context - your boss might panic if shown a scattering of negative tweets, not realizing that they're only 2% of an ongoing conversation.

Don't terrify the boss!

You should be ready to:

  • Empathise what happened so you can plan the future - pull out last yr'southward information to target this year's critical KPIs
  • Get to the point - anything that doesn't bear on your goals, don't waste material your time, don't waste your boss' time
  • Understand the data you're presenting - don't listing numbers, tell a story
  • Be brutally honest - learn from your successes and failures. Never lie about or fluff over what the results stand for. Ensure your team is ready to address negative results immediately
  • Get in actionable - let the data to steer your decisions and plan how you're going to answer, according to the results

The goal of your social media report is to optimize your social media activities and benefit your bottom line.

Social media reports

Permit's take a look at the various reports and time periods that you lot could cover...

Time periods

Cull those that volition requite you and your boss all the data y'all demand.

  • Daily reporting
  • Punctual entrada written report
  • Monthly study- 28 days and then consistent across all months, or 31 days
  • Quarterly strategy review - 90 solar day flow - 4 fit in ane yr

Reporting on your brand

  • Brand protection
  • Brand performance
  • Brand promotion

Time periods

Daily reporting

Used by the social media team to track daily changes - ups and downs, observe spikes and react fast. What caused this? What activity needs to exist taken? Managing your channels ways monitoring - in real time - what'due south posted by your make, product and brand mentions, and competitor mentions. Any issues, should exist addressed immediately.

An outcome can become a crisis in the blink of an eye! Check out my 11 Steps to PR crisis management. It could salve your brand.

Questions to ask:

  • What're my followers doing - sudden increase/decrease?
    Wow, hundreds of new followers. Genuine/fake/low quality? Have I tagged anyone (Bieber) or used a hashtag that's attracting bots?
  • How are engagement levels looking for my content - large increment/decrease?
  • Are in that location new influencers I tin reach out to?
  • What'south the performance of the hashtags I'g using - increase in activity of those I'k post-obit?
  • What's my brand sentiment - positive/negative increment?
  • How are my competitors performing - increase in followers, sentiment, etc.?

Functioning benchmarking volition show you how your business compares to your competitors, and in your industry. Comparing processes, time to market, operations, customer churn, etc. You'll compare your brand with best-in-class standards, so yous tin make improvements. For details on how to do performance benchmarking, check out my guide.

Using Quick Search - Talkwalker'southward social search engine - I've looked at three months of sentiment directed at Diet Coke.

Quick Search sentiment analysis of Diet Coke showing spike in negative sentiment - for your social media report

Quick Search - negative sentiment dominates and the brand should dig deeper to find the cause.

Going deeper into Quick Search, I tin can find the crusade of the biggest slump, plus the surrounding negativity.

Scott Dworkin has 321K followers.

Unfortunately, the brand - while not being personally attacked - got caught up in posts poking fun at the US President. This is information that should be reported, to explain the spike in negative sentiment, and to find a style of turning information technology into a positive.

If you're interested in the balance of these potentially make damaging tweets, or yous'd similar to track the sentiment of your brand, yous'll need a sentiment analysis tool.

Punctual campaign report

Marketing campaigns - when successful - have a significant impact on company growth. Are you measuring this touch? It'south time you proved the value of your team and your campaigns.

A punctual campaign - time-bound initiative - has a single/targeted message and is intended to drive a particular conversion/attain business goals. You lot'll want to written report on the ROI of each punctual campaign. Track audience engagement, identify and analyze the opportunities that resulted from your campaign. Depending on the construction of your campaign, the following are metrics yous should mensurate.

Metrics to share with your team and boss, or client...

  • What bear on did the campaign accept?
  • Were preset goals met?
  • How much traffic did the campaign drive?
  • How many leads did the campaign bring?
  • What was the date charge per unit of customers?
  • How much revenue did the campaign influence?
  • How does this entrada compare to previous?

Y'all'll need to track paid ads - performance and frequency, keeping the budget on track. Optimizing goals and allocating money depending on what'due south working and what isn't. Y'all might want to have a look at this social media advertizing guide, explaining social media advertizement best practices, and the tools y'all'll demand to measure results. Each social media platform has inbuilt tools to measure performance - Twitter Analytics, Facebook Insights, Instagram Analytics, etc., but if you're looking for easier reporting, a single consumer intelligence platform will prove more than efficient.

  • Facebook ads - frequency, achieve, clicks, impressions
  • Twitter ads - click-thru rate, accomplish, unique clicks, price per retweet, cost per follower, budget
  • LinkedIn ads - clicks, likes, impressions, appointment, followers

Metrics to improve futurity campaigns...

  • Which landing pages had the highest conversion rates?
  • Which weblog posts took off?
  • Which emails were opened nigh?
  • Which social messages drove the most date?

Monthly report

Used by direction for performance comparison over periods of fourth dimension. Spotter for spikes and slumps. Is that spike a tendency or a one-off incident? Ensure yous determine this before tweaking your social media plan on an exception, rather than the norm.

Case: You included @justinbieber in a tweet and it all went a bit crazy on Twitter.

You should include the post-obit...

  • This month vs final month
  • This month vs the same month, last year
  • KPI motility - include acquisition, conversions, date, retention KPIs

This is going to the boss, so be ready with the answers to all the questions you'll be asked. More than data, more questions...


  • Focus on crucial metrics - 3-5 max
  • Avoid including data yous can't explain. What acquired that spike? No inkling!
  • Use information visualizations to clearly show trends and progress
  • Tie the results back to business goals
    Case: goal = client retention. Bear witness increase in sessions coming via social media for returning customers

Quarterly strategy review

Your quarterly strategy review will assist you maximize the functioning of your marketing team. The goal is to appraise how fit for purpose your strategy is, while learning from the previous quarter. This in turn, will influence planning for the next quarter.

Your quarterly review should encompass...

  • Current strategy, focus and goals - what your social media campaigns will reach, in line with business goals
  • Progress confronting goals - where is your squad with regard to targets - ahead/backside targets?
  • Hits and misses - what worked, what didn't, why? Your review should cover reasons for successes and failures
  • Issues and resolution - what stopped goals being met? What improvements will be fabricated? Who will exist tasked with this? How will you monitor and report the results?
  • Insights - what did y'all and your team acquire that will help better your social media marketing?
  • What data will you share beyond your organization that will improve performance?
    Example: customer feedback and insights with customer service team, sales
  • Next steps and deportment - program of action with roles divers, responsibilities, target deadlines

Make protection reporting

Crisis management

When a make gets embroiled in a potential crunch, a fast assessment and reaction is crucial. Reporting on your online performance is but valuable if you're honest, and face up to the truth. Consider establishing a PR crunch direction plan. Information technology will significantly reduce the chances of your brand reputation existence damaged.

Issue tracking in Talkwalker analytics - simulated social media report template - issue tracking

Talkwalker Analytics - result tracking (false social media report template).

Share of voice study

Who are people talking virtually most, you lot or your competitors? What's your brand's share of vocalization - SOV - in your industry? Having a spike in SOV isn't ever a skillful thing, if the increase was caused past a crunch situation.

Below, Quick Search compares Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, Crimson Balderdash, and Gatorade over a 13 month catamenia.

Quick Search compares 5 brands for social media report

Quick Search - brand comparing.

Coca-Cola is the undisputed rex of fizzy drinks, but the roar of Pepsi drowned out Coke in April with ii.4M mentions. What happened to cause this increment in SOV? In your social media study you need to include the stats, the graphic, and the crusade.

Cheque out How to bear a competitor assay, if you want to detect out the cause of what turned out to exist a reputation-bruising crisis.

Brand performance reporting

Social network comparison

Social media channels compared for social media report

Which channels work best for your brand and are pop with the consumers y'all're targeting?

Compare results from all your social channels. Each channel is dissimilar, and might not be a fit for your make. Try out some alternative strategies. If it doesn't improve, concentrate on the channels that work for you lot.

Brand wellness report

Talkwalker analytics brand health for social media report template

Talkwalker Analytics - brand wellness (simulated social media written report template).

How effective is your brand in achieving your business goals? Tracking reputation, sensation, date, and positioning will requite you lot an overview of your strengths and weaknesses.

Written report the stats, and enquire questions. An increase in share of voice sounds corking, but is it due to a potential crisis? Gathering all your results and analysis into a single study will give you lot the consummate motion-picture show of your make health.

Performing a make audit regularly, is an essential part of maintaining and improving your brand health. Cheque out my Make Inspect Guide, for all the deets on how to practise it.

Brand promotion reporting

Brand reputation

Reputation measurement is considered tricky to measure. It'southward about what consumers think of your company, brand, values, trustworthiness. Measuring sentiment - opinion mining - tracks and analyzes mentions of your make. Assigning a positive, negative, and neutral score. In unproblematic terms:

% of positive score - % of negative sentiment = reputation score

Quick Search comparing sentiment of two brands

Quick Search - rail and report changes in sentiment after you've implemented a social media campaign.

McDonald's has 62% negative sentiment compared with forty.5% for Burger King. Check out the Practical guide to sentiment assay, if you'd like to find out the cause of the negative sentiment score.

Influencer metrics report

Talkwalker analytics influencer tracking

An influencer with a good for you following, that could be beneficial to business concern.

In your report, to illustrate how this influencer's article spread - his influence - include a virality map.

Virality map demonstrating spread of influencer's article

Talkwalker Analytics - testify how the article from the BBC, spread around traditional and new media.

How many people are your influencers reaching? How much engagement do they drive? The audience you lot're targeting, are they interacting with your influencers?

Talkwalker analytics - influencer reach and engagement - social media report template

Talkwalker Analytics - influencer attain and engagement (simulated social media report template).

To find out more about using influencers, check out my What is influencer marketing guide.

Choosing a social media reporting tool

At present you sympathise why accurate reporting is so important.

Feeling overwhelmed at the work involved? How are you going to create an awesome social media written report? How will you observe fourth dimension in your crazy piece of work schedule?

There's a heap of cool social media analytics tools on the marketplace, all you lot demand is the questions to ask.

Don't be bamboozled past a suave sales rep talking AT you. Cheque out my cheat sheet, and TELL THEM WHAT Y'all WANT.

  • Can I choose the format of my social media report?
    Your boss likes to present a PPT presentation to the board. Your team's happy with a Word medico. Look for a tool that gives you multi-format reporting choices – PowerPoint, HTML, Word, PDF.
  • Can I use pictures in my reports – my boss isn't big on words?!
    Social media is all about visuals. A good social media reporting tool has to reflect this. Not just to brand it pretty, simply united states of america humans empathize and retain the data from charts, videos, and graphs.
  • I'd similar to see all my results in 1 identify, is that possible?
    360° visibility of brand wellness on a content performance dashboard allows you lot to quickly spot shifts in results. You tin react fast and stay ahead of the competition.
  • Can I receive notifications virtually changes in my results?
    You can set alerts to go along you up to engagement about key metrics, new results, and unusual activity that may require immediate action.
  • Am I able to badge my social media dashboard with my own company logo?
    White labeling allows yous to customize dashboards and social media reports with your corporate branding.
  • Is it possible to combine third-political party data sources with my internal information?
    Importing external data and adding to your in-firm data volition reveal correlations that could affect your marketing campaigns. For instance, a retail outlet could include weather data to sympathise what flies off the shelves before a storm hits. Finding an increase in the sale of waterproof vesture, bottled water, torches, candles, dried appurtenances, means the outlet can increment stock, and increase acquirement.
  • I've style too much data to be able to observe what I'one thousand looking for. Tin can I utilize filters?
    If your social reporting tool has rule-based tagging, you'll exist able to add together filters to past and future data. These rules can exist set to flag up negative mentions, delete irrelevant mentions and spam, and assign mentions to teams around the world.


  • Define business organization goals - increase acquirement, gather consumer feedback, amend customer service, increase brand awareness, create future marketing strategy
  • Define KPIs - without, you lot can't mensurate the success/failure of your marketing strategy
  • Social media channels - one size doesn't fit all. Tiptop engagement times on Twitter, may be different to those on Facebook
  • Listen to your audition to ensure your content is targeting the correct demographic and that it'southward engaging with it
  • Analyze summit-performing posts - consider format, language, image, vocalization, timing, response rate
  • Brand advocates - monitor your tweets for mentions by industry influencers
  • Results - show what's working and what isn't. Present to your squad, organisation, boss – to prove and improve future social media marketing campaigns

Free social media study template

To show yous how peachy your social media reports tin can look - download three simulated Talkwalker reporting templates. They're seriously gonna up your game!

CTA social media report templates

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