Social network has gained remarkable attending in the last decade and every bit the evolution take place, accessing social network sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube have become very affordable. Every bit a big population uses one or the other social networking site, it has get very convenient for companies to reach their consumers through these sites. The principal objective of this projection is to identify the role of social media marketing strategy and evaluate its importance over traditional marketing strategy in building brand names and consumer behavior. The dataset on which the report has been carried out consists of a sample of tweets on @Samsung-Mobile, the quarterly sales of @Samsung Mobile and the information of its followers on Twitter. The analysis and findings of the study highlighted the geo-graphical distribution of the followers of @Samsung Mobile, the market outreach of the brand, and the human relationship betwixt the increase in followers and the quarterly sales of @Samsung Mobile.

Most Popular Social Networking Sites [9].
: Sentiment Analysis of the Tweets on @Samsung Mobile

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Copyright © 2018 Dr. Manohar Singh, Gobindbir Singh. This is anorth open admission commodity distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution

License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in whatsoever medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (2.30) (2018) 21 -26

International Journal of Engineering & Technology


Enquiry paper

Impact of social media on due east-commerce

Dr. Manohar Singh 1 *, Gobindbir Singh two

ane Acquaintance Professor, Dept. of Informatics Lyallpur Khalsa College Jalandhar, Punjab, Republic of india

two School of Electrical Applied science and Computer Science University of Ottawa

*Corresponding author E-mail:


Social network has gained remarkable attention in the last decade and every bit the development accept identify, accessing social network southites such as

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube have get very affordable. As a large population uses one or the other social

networking site, it has go very convenient for companies to reach their consumers through these sites. The main objective of this

project is to place the part of social media marketing strategy and evaluate its importance over traditional marketing strategy in building

brand names and consumer behavior. The dataset on which the study has been carried out consists of a sample of tweets odue north @Samsung-

Mobile, the quar-terly sales of @Samsung Mobile and the data of its followers on Twitter. The analysis and findings of the study

highlighted the geo-graphical distribution of the followers of @Samsung Mobile, the market outreach of the brand, and the relationship

between the increase in followers and the quarterly sales of @Samsung Mobile.

Keywords: Social Media; E-Commerce; Twitter Analytics; Sentiment Analysis.

1. Introduction

Over the past decade, media has witnessed a huge transformation,

consumers are progressively using social networking sites to look

for information regarding various products and services, instead of

relying on traditional methods such equally television receiver, radio, and maga-

zines etc. [one]. Every seventh person in the world now owns a Confront-

book profile and almost 4 in five Cyberspace users are associated

with at least one social media site. With the e'er-increasing number

of cyberspace and social media users, information technology has get inevitable for granda-

jor brands to empathise online customer beliefs. The emergence

of social media has led to a subsequent change in media consump-

tion which is pushing companies and organizations to adopt social

media every bit i of their marketing strategies and public relation tools

[2]. Therefore, social grandedia has go an increasingly familiar

platform employed in E-Commerce to market services and re-

sources to current and prospective customers.

ane.ane. Social networks and social media

The term social network was kickoff coined to differentiate between

networks that were used for business purposes from those used for

socializing amongst people. The definition of social networking has

been extended to include grouping of individuals into specific

groups especially in workplace, universities and loftier schools, how-

always the most pop accustomed definition of social networks chroniclesouth

to the interactive websites which provides users with message

boards, chat rooms, and the ability to leave comments and have a

word with other people [3]. Alternatively social networks is

also referred to every bit a virtual community website that brings people

together to talk, share ideas and interests, or make friends. This type

of collaboration and sharing on social networking sites is known as

social media. Unlike traditional media that is typically created and

controlled by merely a bunch of people, the social media allows users

to share their opinions, views and encourages interactions and com-

munity building shaped past consumers [4].

The term "Social Media" has been derived from the words, "Social"

and "Media" which are discussed equally follows:

Social: the term 'Social' refers to interacting with other people for

exchange of information characterized by the friendly companion-

ship or relations.

Media: the tergrand 'Media' refers to the instrument of the communi-

cation such equally radios, television, newspapers, magazines, internet

etc. that attain people widely.

And then we can say that social media is a web based social instrument of

communication that enables people to interact with each other by

both sharing and consuming data. Safko and Brake [5] ob-

served that social media is an umbrella term referring to activities,

practices, behaviors among communities of the peoples who gather

online to share and exchange data, knowledge and opinions

using communicational media. According to Weinberg [6] social

media relates to the sharing of information, experiencesouthward and per-

spectives through community oriented websites. Social media uses

web based technology to transform and circulate media mono-

logues into social media dialogues. Since final decade, social media

has evolved from being a uncomplicated advice hub to an agent of

change, which has eastffected every 24-hour interval to day activeness of humans and

thereby changing people's lives.

1.two. Event of social media on various areas

The diverse areas which have had a lasting and permanent eastwardffect of

social media are every bit follows [3]:

i.2.1. Politics and public service

The way personal computers that changed forever the way busi-

nesses were conducted. Social networks are altering the demogra-

phy of our society ranging from politics and public service to busi-

ness and customer satisfaction. Facebook has get the de-facto

International Journal of Applied science & Engineering science

platform for how non-profit organizations, environmental activists,

and political factions reaching out to thousands of potential volun-

teers. Twitter is generally used past well-nigh all progressive politicians

to promote their causes. Thanks to the social networks, fields similar

politics is no longer limited to the political leaders but people tin

also express their concerns and opinions, due southhare their ideas, and even

communicate with political leaders on a one-on-i basis

1.ii.two. Marketing and advertising

With the appearance of social media, marketing and advertisement strate-

gies have transformed themselves from industries reliant on mass

market channels such equally television, radios to the social platform.

All the major brands and organizations today boasts of having large

fan base and followers on all major social media platforms like Fa-

cebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram etc. Social media platforms

are not simply toll effective simply also increase the proximity between

the producer and consumer.

1.two.three. Journalism

Social media has provided people with quick and like shooting fish in a barrel mode for shar-

ing links and data with a large number of people via Face-

book or Twitter. Some news websites present their visitors with a

list of news items recommended by their friends because they real-

ize an endorsement from acquaintances carries actress weight. On the

other hand, social networks have likewise given unprecedented ascent to

citizen journalism. From traffic updates, to natural calamities, eve-

ryone who has access to social networking sites is virtually but few

clicks away from being a denizen journalist.

1.two.four. Business organisation

Almost every major business organisation organization has a social presence to-

solar day. Both existing and emerging businesses are at present aggressively

using social networking sites to promote their products, services,

and gain invaluable feedback from their customers. In fact, for busi-

nesses, interaction via social network has almost become a de-facto

standard for assessing their customer service. Information technology has now get a

common to see pocket-size or home based businesses that operate solely

through their Facebook accounts.

1.ii.5. Recruitment

LinkedIn has considerably transformed how HR professionals look

for and thus recruit potential employees. However, there are argu-

ments virtually privacy violation; LinkedIn has undoubtedly facilitated

career advancements, recruitment and professional networking to

not bad extent.

one.3. Types of social media platforms

The most commonly used social media platforms are [7]:

1.3.i. Facebook

Facebook is the largest social network on the spider web with respect to

name recognition every bit well as total number of users. It has approxi-

mately i.8 billion agile users and it acts as a wonderful platform

for connecting people across the globe with your business. Since

the last decade, Facebook has evolved from a basic website into a

multi-dimensional network and a mobile platform where anyone

tin can connect with anybody beyond the world. Keeping in mind, the

Pages characteristic of Facebook, it can remarry help a lot in one's business organization.

1.3.2. Twitter

Twitter is a platform where 1 tin can express 1's views with short

text letters along with other media. Twitter is a great interface to

communicate with literally anyone in the earth simply by mentioning

their usernames in their posts. This social networking site is a great

way to advertise and market i's business. It is also an effective

channel for handling client service.

1.3.3. YouTube

The most famous video-sharing platform that has over a billion us-

ers where the users can not only view the content posted by others,

only also upload, rate, share and comment on the videos every bit well. If

one wants to engage audition by posting an advertising of their

piece of work or business, there could be no better platform than YouTube.

i.3.4. Instagram

Instagram is a visual social media platform that is totally based on

photos and videos posts only. Information technology is also owned by Facebook and is

different from others due westith respect to diverse filters provided and

other photo editing options provided.

1.3.5. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social networking site that is dedicatedly used for

concern and employment-oriented services. LinkedIn allows mem-

bers that may be workers equally well equally employers to create profiles in

an online social network which may portray existent-world professional

relationships [8].

Fig 1: Near Popular Social Networking Sites [9].

The figure 1 shows the graph of top 15 social networking sites in

the earth as on February 2017 [9]. Every bit it is conspicuously visible, Facebook

is leading the pack followed by YouTube, Instagram and Twitter

1.four. Project written report structure

The project study has been divided into six major departments. Section

1 gives an introduction of the social media and commonly used and then-

cial media platforms. Section 2 gives a cursory overview of role of

social media in e-commerce detailing the advantages and chal-

lenges of social media marketing. Section 2 as well discusses the re-

lated piece of work with respect to the analysis of social thousandedia data. Section

3 focusses on defining the problem argument of thursdaydue east research piece of work

and describing the major research objectives of the project. Section

four describes the inquiry methodology discussing in item the tools

and data set used for research project. The results and analysis of

the data has been clearly mentioned in department five of the written report also

highlighting the findings of the project. The last section vi summa-

rizes the entire due westork washed and presents the time to come scope for the pro-


2. Literature review Social media and e-commerce

In society to understand their customer in a better style and finding

their inclination towards their products, the marketers and advertis-

ers are always looking for a number of ways. This requires a lot of

information to be gathered nearly the customers. This data

could exist gathered from social yardedia about online users which could

be farther analyzed to trace the behavior of consumers. The various

businesses are using social networks like Twitter and Facebook to

help them sell more products and services [10].

International Journal of Engineering & Technology

2.2. Social media marketing

Social media marketing is thursdaye latest trend that evolved since last

few years when it started ruling online communication. It is a form

of internet marketing that uses various social media platforms in

order to achieve marketing and advertising objectives. Social media

marketing basically involves sharing of content, videos, and images

for ad reasons. The various marketing techniques adopted

by business is focused on targeting the right audience, Consumer

Online Make related activities, and electronic word of mouth.

ii.3. Advantages of social media marketing

The diverse advantages of using social media marketing are [xi]:

Social media posts tin can be used to drive targeted traffic to a

specific audience of people.

Social media tin act as a very useful tool for boosting the

business site's SEO. The traffic building on social media

pages of i'southward business organisation will help their websites go ameliorate

search engine results.

Social media may assistance to build real producer consumer rela-

tionship as theastward tweets on Twitter and posts on Facebook become

an insight into the daily lives of their customers and thus help

them build meliorate marketing strategies.

While maximum users accept, Twitter and Facebook as uncomplicated

social networks and not as advertising and marketing plat-

forms which makes them respond to one's business thought in a

more than open way.

The most important reward of using social media is the

recognition of a brand, every bit the media itself becomes brand'due south

content and vocalism.

The authors in the paper [12] identify the role of social media mar-

keting in brand edifice and influencing consumer ownership behavior

while making a conclusion to buy a product. The authors carried out

the written report using primary information collected from ii65 respondents

through survey method using structured questionnaire. The authors

used convenient Sampling and the findings of the paper highlighted

the utility of social media marketing in building brands.

In paper [1], the authors investigated 504 Facebook users in order

to detect out the effect of firm-created and user-generated social me-

dia communication on brand equity and brand attitude past conduct-

ing a survey throughout Poland.

The author in paper [2] gave a detailed clarification almost social me-

dia marketing and its advantages. The author too explained equally to

why to use social media marketplace in libraries and also put frontward

diverse challenges of using social media in libraries.

In paper [11], the authors carried out an empirical enquiry to rec-

ognize the effectiveness of social media as a marketing tool and an-

alyzed the influence of social media on consumers in buying deci-

sion making. The claims of thdue east authors were supported past various

statistical tests. The authors as well suggested that effective and inno-

vative strategies need to be designed for winning larger share of

business through this revolutionary medium of social networking.

In paper [15], the authors analyzed the usefulness of existing lexical

resource equally well as features that apprehended the information

about the informal and creative language used in Twitter.

3. Proposed work

This section of the written report consists of defining the trouble argument

and giving the research objectives of our project.

3.1. Problem argument

The issue of social media on the company's reputation and the

brand edifice of its products needs to be studied in order to predict

the marketing and distribution programme of its products earlier their

launch. The posts on social networking sites further could be eval-

uated to go the feedback of their customers on its products that are

already in market.

3.ii. Research objectives

Based on the motivation and problem statement, nosotros take defined

the post-obit research objectives for the project:

Investigating the correlation betwixt worldwide sales made

past @SamsungMobile and their followers on twitter over past

5 years (2011-2016).

Understanding the touch of E-Marketing on various geo-

graphical regions past analyzing the spatial distribution of

@SamsungMobile Twitter followers.

To study the brand edifice achieved through Twitter past an-

alyzing the marketing outreach of @Samsung Mobile (i.east.

average visibility of tweets made by @Samsung Mobile).

To acquit sentiment analysis of the tweets fabricated past general

masses about @Samsung Mobile and its products, thereby,

gauging the inclination of its customers towards their prod-


iv. Research methodology

This chapter provides an overview of methodology adopted to at-

tain our research objectives. The chapter starts westith a reason behind

choosing Twitter as the platform for conducting our study. The sec-

tions succeed with a brief description of sampling process used for

collecting the twitter data followed by the description of tool used

for analyzing same.

4.1. Why twitter?

Twitter is first-class for obtaining data for enquiry as information technology creates an

automatic database of information in existent time, which signifies that

as the data is archived it will become a unique source of historical

information. People tend to give their opinion on latest trends, politician-

itics, society, news and technologies in market place on Twitter in form

of tweets whereas on other major social networking sites such as

Facebook, Youtube and Instagram people tend to express their

views more frequently in the form of photographs and videos which are

difficult to analyze. That makes Twitter much more user-friendly op-

tion for analyzing the social media information. Moreover, the information availa-

ble on Twitter tin be hands accessed through its API.

4.ii. Sampling process

Everyday near 500 million tweets are made on Twitter which

makes information technology virtually impossible to study all of them. So, Sampling exist-

comes inevitable. In guild to carry out our research, we have used

Convenience Sampling, wherein, units are sampled because thursdayey

are convenient to obtain. In our case, nosotros relied on the tweets gath-

ered from Twitter API through NodeXL.

4.3. Node Forty

NodeXL is a set of already built class libraries using a custom Win-

dows Presentation Foundation command. NodeXL gives users the per-

mission to collect, analyze, and visualize a variety of networks

thereby providing easy admission to social media network data streams.

NodeXL too allows for quick collection of social media data using

a prepare of import tools that can collect information of network from various

social networking sites like Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube. NodeXL

fits into Microsoft Excel 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 and opens as

a workbook with a multifariousness of worksheets containing the elements

of a graph construction such as edges and nodes [13].

5. Results and analysis

In this department, the evaluation of the tweets and study of the geo-

graphical locations of the followers is carried out to fulfil the objec-

tives specified.

International Journal of Applied science & Technology Samsung smartphone sales v/south @samsung mobile fol-

lowers on twitter

To investigate the correlation between sales made by @Samsung

Mobile and their followers on Twitter, i.e. the first objective of our

inquiry, we analysed the sales and acquirement data aslope the twit-

ter follower history of @Samsung Mobile, which is the official twit-

ter handle. The sales and revenue data was gathered from annua 50

reports published by Samsung from time to fourth dimension and various other

online statistics, market research and business intelligence portals

such as Statista.

Table 1: Quarterly Sales of Samsung Mobiles and No. of Followers


The twitter follower history of @Samsung Mobile westwardas gathered

from data available on internet sources like Social bakers.

The Table I presents the quarterly sales data of @Samsung Kobile

versus number of followers at that time.

Fig. 2: Graph Showing Increase in Sales with No. of Followers.

From the graph shown in Effigy Ii, it is clearly visible that the units

sold is increasing with respect to the increasing followers. This can

likewise be gauged past the correlation coefficient (0.8 app) which ways

that 80% of the variation is explained by the increment in followers.

five.two. Spatial distribution of @samsung mobile followers

To analyse the impact of social media/e-marketing done by @Sam-

sung Mobile on various geographical regions, nosotros took a sample [xiv]

of 5000 @Samsung Mobile agile followers and studied their spa-

tial distribution across various continents. The assay of spatial

distribution of @Samsung Mobile followers reveal the continents

where social media is nigh agile.

Fig. 3: Graph Showing the Spread of @Samsung Mobile Followers beyond

Continents and their Common Connections.

The in a higher place graph in Figure Three testifys all 5000 followers grouped by

continent and represented using Harel-Koren fast multi-scale layout

[16]. The links shown in the higher up graph shows the connectedness be-

tween various followers and @Samsung Mobile.

Fig. 4: Graph showing per centum Distribution of Followers.

The graph in Effigy 4 conspicuously depicts that Asian market leads westith

pct of users actively using social media platform followed

past Northward America. For testing the validity of the sample [xiv] distri-

bution, we applied z-test with post-obit null hypothesis (H0):

H0: 32 % of active users are from Asia i.due east. p=32% or p=0.32

Ha: Active users from Asia are not 32%, p≠0.32

p=0.32, q=0.68, p'=0.3114, north=5000, α=x%

  


= -1.30363 (one)

Since Ha is two-sided, nosotros shall determine the rejection region past

applying ii tailed Z test at 10 % level of significance [α=ten%].


The observed value of |z| i.due east. 1.30363 is less than critical value of z

i.eastward. 1.645. Therefore, it is in acceptance region and as such, H0 is


v.iii. Marketing outreach

To report the marketing outreach of @Samsung Mobile, nosotros ana-

lysed the average extent of penetration of thdue east tweets made by

@Samsung Mobile across the twitter population. As on December

2016, @Samsung Mobile had approximately 12 million (12012738

to be exhuman action) followers. Out of those, we took a sample [14] of 30200

followers and found that they had 336 followers on average; how-

ever, we are interested in population mean "µ" which tin be esti-

mated by following equation































Smartphones Sold (in millions)

# Followers of samsungmobile

Time (in Quarters)

Increment in Sales Vs Increase in Followers

units sold (millions) Followers




10.xvi 4.66 1.46 0.04

Spatial Distribution of Followers


Northward America


Due south America




International Journal of Technology & Engineering



 (2)

Where, Sample size due north=30200, Sample mean


Standard Difference   α=five%, |zα|=1.96


µ > 302

Therefore, the population hateful is at least 302; at least 302 followers

each farther follow i.eastward. every follower of @Samsung Mobile. Fur-

thermore, from this sample we inferred that every tweet by @Sam-

sung Mobile is retweeted by 1302 followers. And so total audience of a

tweet made by @Samsung Mobile can be calculated as:

12012738+1302*302 =12,405,942

Therefore, it can be inferred that tweet made past @Samsung Mobile

is visible to approximately 12.four million twitter users. This figure

becomes even more interesting when nosotros retrieve of the cost involved

in spreading sensation most any product using tweets (e-marketplace-

ing) as opposed to the corporeality of coin that would be required for

spreading awareness to aforementioned corporeality of people using conventional

methods like advertisements, sponsorships, flyers etc.

5.4. Sentiment analysis

In gild to find out the inclination of the customers of @Samsung-

Mobile towards their products, we conducted a sentiment analysis

on a sample [14] of 7740 tweets using NodeXL tool regarding the

Smartphones (Samsung A5, A7, JSeries, C9, On seven, On Nxt, On v,

On viii, S7, S7 Edge, S8) launched past Samsung in last one twelvemonth and

statistics shown in Tabular array Two were observed. From the results of sen-

timent analysis shown in Table Ii, the following observations were


Out of 7740, approximately 75% of the tweets were neutral,

i.e. there were no positive or negative comments regarding

the products under consideration.

Of the remaining 25% of the tweets, approximately 68% of

the tweets carried positive sentiment/feedback with respect to

the products under consideration. These statistics clearly sig-

nifies the vital part played by e-marketing in edifice brand

names and spreading the awareness well-nigh the products.

The analysis also showed that 1.five% of the tweets made by the

general masses were regarding the purchase of the specified

products which justifies the above observations that people

not only get aware of the products merely are influenced plenty

to buy them and share their experiences on the sameast platform.

Table 2: Sentiment Analysis of the Tweets on @Samsung Mobile

Tweets with

+ve Senti-


Tweets with

ve Senti-


Tweets depict-

ing Buying Be-


half dozen. Threats to validity

Post-obit are somdue east of the major points that could make our re-

search projection vulnerable to some questions:

The method used for sampling i.east. Convenience Sampling

can introduce sampling errors thereby; exactly aforementioned results

may not be accomplished for a different sample.

Some of the information points regarding follower history of @Sam-

sung Mobile has been calculated using interpolation.

Due to the data rate limiting policy imposed by Twitter on its

public API, analysis could only be made on recent tweets and

non on celebrated data.

7. Conclusion and future scope

In this project, nosotros performed an analysis on Twitter data of @Sam-

sung Mobile available from public twitters API to study the impact

of tweets related to @Samsung Mobile on its make building, cus-

tomer satisfaction of @Samsung Mobile products and its sales per

quarter. The findings and the results of our study clearly signifies

that social media marketing influences the building of brands every bit

well as influence the sales of the business. Moreover, the feedback

obtained from the customers in grade of tweets almost their products

further help to design the marketing strategy of their products.

This projection can be further enhanced to fetch like findings and

deductions for the other brands besides @Samsung Mobile. Too,

the data on which the analysis has been done in this study is recent

data, so, the project could be enhanced to exercise a detailed study on

previous years data in order to see the pattern and trends that has

been evolved with respect to consumer behaviour.


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... SM has provided a new horizon in the field of marketing as east-commerce, thereby giving prospects to the marketers for generating consciousness of products amongst customers [1,11]. It is well-established tool that increases public relations through the collaborating method. ...

... SM is influencing the apparel sector, which helps to grasp the massive viewers in systematic style. Interestingly, SM plays a vital role in consumer communication, which in plough creates cognizance, engrossment, and engagement for various brands and obtained visibility in augmented buy beliefs [six,xi,[xvi][17][18]. The "Word of Oral fissure" (WOM), a marketing tool that driving the apparel industry, which is also spreading rapidly through SM platforms, which has a gradual increase user base [11,13,xiv,16,nineteen]. ...

... Interestingly, SM plays a vital role in consumer communication, which in turn creates cognizance, engrossment, and engagement for various brands and obtained visibility in augmented purchase behavior [6,11,[xvi][17][eighteen]. The "Word of Oral fissure" (WOM), a marketing tool that driving the apparel industry, which is besides spreading speedily through SM platforms, which has a gradual increase user base [11,xiii,14,16,19]. SM has get an data funnel which millions of eyes pass through every minute, thereby SM can be an constructive tool for apparel retailers [15]. ...

In this digital era, the net, and Social Media (SM) has had a radical impact on the shopping behavior of "costumers" The SM provides a platform where "costumers" are exposed to the all-time product with the best price along with reviews and opinions about the merchandise. So, we tin can turn our heads and expect at a brand in a mode as if the brand is speaking to u.s.. This written report was an attempt to explore the Social Media Marketing Activities (SMMA) that are being used for the marketing of fashionable products like apparel and to what level the SMMA activities of brands truly strengthen the relationship with customers and motivate purchase intention. Moreover, SMMA has a robust awarding in developing a marketing strategy for business. Information technology has become a significant tool that collaborates with businesses and people. It is concluded that the "costumer"-brand relationship does have a positive and statistically significant impact on consumers' purchase intention through SM.

... According to the participants., they largely apply social media to hash out their educational matters and share information with their classmates and instructors, that farther boosts their conviction and learning skills. Severely studies also validated the part of digital media in improving students' bookish performance, reflecting a positive constructive attribute of digital media for the young generation (Alhumaid et al., 2020;Ali, 2018;Celestine & Nonyelum, 2018;Gorhe, 2019;. ...

Abstract: Today, with an increased mass media usage, is too improving our daily life standards. Particularly integrating digital media into traditional tv set is one of the most meaning advancement. Here Social TV is an improved, and fifty-fifty adult source of connecting and learning through interactive platforms, and television. The current article also examines the influence of Social TV on students learning habits in Jordanian educational system. The researchers employed instance study approach and randomly selected a sample of north= 516 young students from Yarmouk University, Irbid. To further validate the relevant phenomenon, the written report also involves a self-proposed study model and the structural equation modelling. Results indicated that, Social Telly is (i) improving students' interaction, (2) helping them to share their experience with others, and (iii) besides positively influencing their learning experiences. Thus, the researchers recommended more investigation to address and highlight the importance of Social TV especially, for the young generation in other different aspects of life.

... The technological revolution in the final few decades in the field of engineering science has directed the life of people to new dimensions in all aspects of their life. Technological developments have changed the fashion people collaborate with each other using different applications and social platforms, which were after that used in business organization activities under the umbrella of electronic commerce (Singh & Singh, 2018). Governments have utilized such opportunities to digitize their services to their citizens, which became known as e-government. ...

... Apalagi jika melihat pengguna platform e-commerce, semakin banyak dan meluas terutama di Indonesia, seperti pada tabel di bawah ini. (Riyanto, 2020) Dari data di atas, Platform e-commerce yang paling sering digunakan di indonesia, yaitu i) Youtube yang belakangan menjadi raksasa baru, kontennya berupa video yang diunggah, dibagikan, dikomentari, dan adanya pemberian peringkat (trending) dapat menjadi platform terbaik untuk memfasilitasi pemasaran secara maksimal; ii) WhatsApp merupakan platform percakapan/messenger untuk memfasilitasi komunikasi dan platform ini juga menjadi sarana bagi startup yang baru memulai bisnis (Yusra, 2020); iii) Facebook merupakan jaringan sosial terbesar yang menjadi penghubung interaksi melalui texting dan messenger, memungkinkan membantu juga dalam sarana bisnis (Pertiwi, 2020); iv) Instagram, platform east-commerce yang mengutamakan visualisasi sepenuhnya didasarkan foto dan video dengan berbagai filter tersedia juga menjadikan sarana efektif penyebaran informasi suatu produk; kemudian v) Twitter sebagai platform pengekspresian pandangan seseorang dengan pesan teks yang membantu siapa pun untuk berkomunikasi secara efektif hingga mengiklankan suatu produk berupa barang dan/atau jasa (Singh & Singh, 2018). Ditambah lagi terdapat Tiktok sebagai fenomena baru dengan penggunaan setiap harinya mencapai ninety% pada tahun 2019. ...

  • Tasya Safiranita Ramli
  • Ahmad M. Ramli
  • Rika Ratna Permata
  • Rizki Fauzi Rizki Fauzi

The growth of the Internet in Indonesia is irresolute so rapidly as information technology progresses, the existence of Internet is attracting interest to facilitate people who have interest in computers. Lately, Internet service users are increasing rapidly, and kickoff to expand widely with changes in the digital transformation era. Advanced information technology has digitized all fields including business organisation (digital revolution era), because it provides practical ease in the dynamic of advice and information. Nonetheless, in its development has resulted in a negative impact in the realm of information technology relating to the escalation of offense in cyberspace. This enquiry uses qualitative research methods, a normative juridical arroyo with descriptive of analysis through data drove techniques in the form of online literature studies that produce secondary data sources with three legal materials. The results of the research present a legal protection effort for consumers conducted in a preventative, repressive, solutive and culling through dispute resolution both litigation and not-litigation. So that the protection of laws confronting consumers who utilize e-commerce Platform equally an alternative means of online shopping can exist assured by the legal efforts of the use of regulations governing the electronic trading, especially on e-commerce Platform social media. Keywords: Digital Transformation, Information, Net, Platform e-Commerce, Technology

... In addition, the usage of these platforms has been shown to be essential for the growth of entrepreneurs' business (Abdus-Samad et al., 2020). The widespread apply of these technologies has motivated (electronic) vendors to sell their goods and services to current and prospective customers (Singh and Singh, 2018). In particular, the leading social media platforms have attracted a large number of users (Heller Baird and Parasnis, 2011). ...

Purpose Social commerce has seen a prosperous growth following the ascension of social media, in particular, social networking sites have established novel means to communicate and transact between firms and people. The rise of new technologies has besides directed to changes in how entrepreneurs convey their business. Despite intensive social commerce research, the challenges of social commerce for entrepreneurs have attracted less attention and especially neglected the part of trust and satisfaction in electronic commerce. Design/methodology/arroyo This research utilise a survey to collect information. The authors utilize structural equation modeling-partial least square (SEM-PLS) to analysis the data. This quantitative research provides new insights in the food industry. Findings This inquiry thus provides insights into social commerce past analyzing the function of trust in the relationship betwixt customers' social media activities and customers' satisfaction. The present study finds a mediating effect of trust in developing satisfaction. Social media activities facilitate a positive level of trust that in turn creates a satisfying environment for customers in social commerce. The research provides theoretical and practical implications at the finish of the report. Originality/value The findings provide adept knowledge for the food industry to stay connected with customers and develop their satisfaction.

Over the concluding decade, social networking sites have Amplified Extraordinary growth. With the technological development social network sites such as What Sapp, Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, Quora, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr and YouTube have become very reasonable. A large number of populations in the earth use different social networking sites. Companies can easily approach unlike segments of the customers past advertizement on these promotional sites. The key objective of this chapter is to recognize the bear on of social media ad strategy on E-commerce. The idea behind this is to evaluate the difference between traditional marketing vis a vis social media marketing. Consumer purchasing blueprint has considerably changed with time and this is predominantly reflected during the Pandemic times when the consumers were completely relied upon the social networking sites for connectivity as well as for purchasing the different ready of commodities from essential items to luxury items. The companies also used this strategy to brand maximum profits during the pandemic. Companies are investing coin on social media channels for make promotion and hiring digital content creators to advertise their products on social sites. Customers can hands approach to social media platforms through social groups on social media which allows social communication among customers and creates trust for the client to purchase the product. In this chapter, we will try to figure out how e-commerce business is positively afflicted with social media and how the E-commerce companies can frame their marketing policies to concenter potential number of online customers.

Purpose This written report examines the bear on of social media information sharing and usage on consumer beliefs particularly in the credibility of the information provided by e-commerce vendors, and consumer trust formation. Design/methodology/approach Cartoon on trust through social media usage and surface brownie, the authors have proposed a inquiry model to investigate consumers satisfaction on food and beverage (F&B) products. Empirical support for the research model was provided by using structural equation modelling using survey information fatigued from Malaysian consumers with an account with Facebook. Findings Results indicate that consumer participation in social media communities support higher levels of consumer trust and ratings of the surface credibility of data provided by an F&B vendor, and surface credibility as well helped to develop consumer trust. Trust in the vendor also exerted a positive influence on consumer satisfaction with F&B product offerings. Results propose that F&B that provide credible and transparent information regarding their branded products, relish increased levels of consumer trust, leading to college levels of consumer satisfaction with their F&B consumption feel. Originality/value The result of this enquiry contributes to social commerce branch of literature and has practical implications for practitioners in the F&B industry as a ways to survival strategies to embrace critical and challenging period during an endemic, particularly. Equally such, this study analyses the relationship between social media usage, surface credibility, trust and satisfaction for developing consumer trust while managing enterprise social media.

  • Junrie B Matias Junrie B Matias

This written report investigates the factors affecting the usage beliefs and intention towards online purchasing platforms in purchasing agriculture and fisheries products online based on the applied science credence model. External factors adapted from electric current literature were integrated with the model to understand the consumer intention and behavior towards online purchasing. An online survey with 318 respondents was used to test the hypotheses of the theoretical model using partial least squares component-based structural equation modeling. Results show that trust is a pregnant predictor of usage behavior. Furthermore, the factors visibility, perceived risk, perceived value, and enjoyment have directly or indirectly influenced intention and usage behavior through trust, perceived ease of employ, and perceived usefulness. The researcher considers this piece of work to have contributed essential inputs to other researchers interested in studying the adoption of online purchasing in fisheries and agronomics products.

Purpose First, this written report aims to focus on the promotional part of the Indian handicraft products through various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Second, the report measures the effectiveness of social media marketing activities (SMMA) relating to handicraft products on brand sensation, make image and brand equity. Third, this report also measures the bear on of brand sensation and brand epitome on make equity and consumers' buy intention and further make equity on consumers' purchase intention of handicraft products. Design/methodology/approach This study used an offline questionnaire to deport empirical research and collected and analyzed data of 609 samples by using the structural equation modeling arroyo. Findings The findings of this report showed that SMMA relating to handicraft products had a very potent impact on creating both make sensation and make image in the social media surroundings. Additionally, this study also exhibited a positive and meaning impact of brand awareness and brand image on brand equity and consumers' buy intention and further brand equity on consumers' buy intention of handicraft products in the social media surround. Practical implications The result of this research will definitely motivate the handicraft industry to accept a strong social media presence on various platforms for promoting their products beyond India and exterior. Further, the promotional activities in various social media platforms volition aid in creating sensation nigh the handicraft products and give make recognition amid other industrial competitive brands which volition consequently lead to an increment in the demand for these products. Originality/value The novelty of this study is that it has made an initial attempt to report the marketability of handicraft products using various social media platforms and as well has measured the likely touch on of SMMA relating to handicraft products on make awareness and brand image and their impact on brand equity and purchase intention.

  • Icha Oyza
  • Edwin Agwu Edwin Agwu

Social media gained rapid prominence within few years of its being. It is more often than not the medium to socialize and many are awed by the transformation of communications processes particularly among generations Y midwifed past the media platforms. Social media has at present crept into the boardrooms of business organisation organizations and just like the internet; it has transformed the selling and buying processes. Though social media is a recent phenomenon, it has proven to be just as effective as or even more than effective than traditional marketing. Several organizations now struggle to have a presence in the spider web in order to interface with customers far and near. Furthermore, the use of social media by some organizations starts with simple marketing and the creation of awareness about their products and services. However, these accept advanced to public communications and interactions with customers and other stakeholders. Despite these huge advantages, it is fraught with challenges. This newspaper discusses the benefits and limitations of social media every bit a strategic tool for organizational marketing management. It also reviewed the benefits and challenges of this massive conundrum which has taken business management by storm and concludes with vital recommendations for organizational managers.

  • Bruno Schivinski Bruno Schivinski
  • Dariusz Dabrowski

Researchers and make managers take limited agreement of the effects social media communication has on how consumers perceive brands. We investigated 504 Facebook users in gild to observe the affect of firm-created and user-generated (UG) social media advice on make disinterestedness (BE), brand mental attitude (BA) and purchase intention (PI) by using a standardized online survey throughout Poland. To exam the conceptual model, we analyzed 60 brands beyond three different industries: non- alcoholic beverages, clothing and mobile network operators. When analyzing the information, we applied the structural equation modeling technique to both investigate the coaction of firm-created and user-generated social media communication and examine manufacture- specific differences. The results of the empirical studies showed that user-generated social media communication had a positive influence on both brand equity and make attitude, whereas house-created social media communication afflicted merely make attitude. Both brand disinterestedness and brand attitude were shown to accept a positive influence on purchase intention. In add-on, we assessed measurement invariance using a multi- group structural modeling equation. The findings revealed that the proposed measurement model was invariant across the researched industries. All the same, structural path differences were detected across the models.

  • David Harel David Harel
  • Yehuda Koren

We present a multi-calibration layout algorithm for the aesthetic drawing of undirected graphs with straight-line edges. The algorithm is extremely fast, and is capable of drawing graphs of substantially lar- ger size than whatever other algorithm we are aware of. For example, the algorithm achieves optimal drawings of one thousand vertex graphs in about 2 seconds. The paper contains graphs with over 6000 nodes. The propo- sed algorithm embodies a new multi-scale scheme for cartoon graphs, which was motivated past the recently published multi-scale algorithm of Hadany and Harel (7). It can signicantly ameliorate the speed of essen- tially any force-directed method (regardless of that method's power of drawing weighted graphs or the continuity of its price-office).

  • Gurpreet Kaur

Kaur, Gurpreet. "Social Media Marketing." Asian Periodical of Multidisciplinary Studies 4.7 (2016).

Social Media for Business: A Marketer's Guide

  • Guide

Guide, Social. "Social Media for Business concern: A Marketer'south Guide". Business News Daily. N.p., 2017. Spider web. 10 Mar. 2017.

Top fifteen Most Popular Social Networking Sites (And 10 Apps!)

  • Priit Kallas

Kallas, Priit. "Peak fifteen Most Popular Social Networking Sites (And 10 Apps!)". DreamGrow. N.p., 2017. Web. 17 Mar. 2017.

Online social networks and ecommerce

  • Clarence Lee
  • Shirley Fung

Lee, Clarence, and Shirley Fung. "Online social networks and ecommerce." pupil newspaper, TS085: Ideals and Law on the Electronic Frontier, MIT (2007): eight.

Role of Social Media Marketing In Brand Edifice: The New Age Marketing Strategy

  • Singh
  • Shamsher

Singh, Shamsher, et al. "Part of Social Media Marketing In Make Edifice: The New Age Marketing Strategy." International Journal of Scientific Research five.nine (2017).

Twitter sentiment analysis: The good the bad and the omg

  • Efthymios Kouloumpis
  • Theresa Wilson
  • Johanna D Moore

Kouloumpis, Efthymios, Theresa Wilson, and Johanna D. Moore. "Twitter sentiment analysis: The good the bad and the omg." Icwsm 11.538-541 (2011): 164.